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Switzerland and Health Care Systems from Around the World

April 16, 2013

 Switzerland and Health Care Systems from Around the World By: Alex Smith Gormley This summer I have the amazing opportunity to be the Assistant Program Director for East Carolina Univerity’s summer study abroad program to Switzerland. This trip is specifically designed … Read more

Online Educational Modules to Increase MS Knowledge for PTs

February 25, 2013

Online Educational Modules To Increase Multiple Sclerosis Knowledge For Physical Therapists Project Overview This project is a collaboration with Jen Tooher.  We identifed a need for a comprehensive resource to provide physical therapists with current, evidence-based information about multiple sclerosis. … Read more

Breast Cancer-related Lymphedema

February 25, 2013

Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema  Erin Toomey, SPT Introduction: The National Cancer Institute, a component of the National Institutes of Health, estimates that one in eight women will develop breast cancer at some time during her life (Altekruse 2010). Those who elect … Read more

Online Educational Modules on MS for PTs

February 25, 2013

Online Educational Modules to Increase Multiple Sclerosis Knowledge for Physical Therapists Overview As a participant in the MS Standardized Training and Education Program with University Partners (MS Step Up), I have benefited from unique learning experiences to understand effective physical … Read more

Pediatric Cerebellar Ataxia

February 25, 2013

Pediatric Cerebellar Ataxia: Connecting the divide between current research and school-based PT Britt Tatum The idea for this project was inspired from my clinical affiliation with the Alamance-Burlington school-system. During this time, I encountered several children with diagnoses involving the cerebellum, which … Read more

Chronic Disease Comorbidities in COPD Lung Transplantation

February 25, 2013

Welcome to my Capstone site! Chronic Disease Comorbidities in the COPD Lung Transplant Population By: Cassandra Short, SPT Introduction: Chronic disease comorbidities are frequently present in the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) patient population awaiting lung transplantation. The identification and … Read more

Wound Care Education Module

February 25, 2013

Why wound care? My first hands-on exposure to wound care was during my third clinical rotation in an outpatient setting.  I had a blast performing pulsatile lavage on a lower extremity wound and went home that night trying to make … Read more

Reducing the Risk of Falls in Older Adults After Stroke

February 25, 2013

Stroke and Falls Entering physical therapy school, I was determined that I was following the path to become a sports physical therapist. However, after clinical time and coursework, I felt myself being inexplicably drawn to neuromuscular physical therapy. After my … Read more