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Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome (FAI)

April 20, 2017

Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome (FAI) Kristen Ignaszewski, SPT   Background In April 2016 while on my second clinical rotation, Amy Dougherty, PT, provided me with the fortunate opportunity to observe Allston J. Stubbs IV, MD, MBA in the operating room at … Read more

The Baseball Elbow

April 19, 2017

Picture reprinted from: Daniel J, Getty Images. Stephan Strasburg and the Tommy John elbow. Bleacher Report. Published July 17,2013. Accessed April 20, 2017. The Baseball Pitcher’s Elbow Lauren Kozar, SPT Background A continuing education course that I attended at … Read more

Pusher Syndrome Post-Stroke

April 19, 2017

Pusher Syndrome Post-Stroke:   Background Information, Patient Presentation, and Evidence-Based Intervention Strategies Created by Hannah Leshin Background Information Pusher Syndrome (PS) is an impairment that occurs following a stroke, affecting patients’ perception of postural vertical.1 The patient presentation of PS … Read more

Yoga for Chronic Pain

April 18, 2017

       Understanding the Benefits of Yoga for Chronic Pain of Musculoskeletal Origin through the Neuromatrix Model Created by: Molly Miller, SPT _____________________________________________________________________________________ Background This project is a culmination of several personal and professional interests that I am passionate about. … Read more

Community Classes for Parkinson Disease

April 18, 2017

Community Classes for Parkinson Disease Created by Kenzie Owens, SPT Background My work in Health and Wellness and Evidence Based Practice II (EBP II) led me to consider the benefits of community exercise classes for those with Parkinson Disease. In … Read more