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I have always questioned the value of some of the special tests for the shoulder. My clinical experiences with some tests have been very poor and I found myself wondering how I could streamline the evaluation process in an evidence based fashion. This project was aimed at improving students’ ability to critical examine special tests using evidence and then use this newly developed ability to critically examine shoulder special tests. An audiovisual component was also included to improve performance of these tests to maximize students’ ability to screen and diagnose shoulder pathology.

Capstone Project Power Point Presentation (without the video clips)


This handout was used during the eDPT lecture on 3/1/12 as a visual reference for kappa values, specificity, sensitivity, and likelihood ratios.

Visual Aid Handout


This document contains the reference list for the project.

Capstone Reference List


This is a summary of the feedback from the eDPT lecture on 3/1/12.

Capstone Project Evaluation Tool (with feedback scores and comments)


The youtube link below contains all of the video clips used for the project. This is a good summary of how to perform each of the special tests described in the power point presentation.

Shoulder Special Tests Video Clips


8 Responses to “Evidence Based Evaluation of Shoulder Special Tests”

  1. Mike Gross

    Mike- great job on all of the products. Very well researched. you accomplished your learning goal and have helped many others in the process. Mike Gross

  2. Michael Essa

    Thanks for all the positive feedback gang! I’m still waiting for that youtube video to go viral. If you ever watch it again try to pay careful attention to Ramses getting moved all over the place in video! Lindsey, your committee member did a great job with that chapter, because I read almost every reference and only found one discrepancy (which I think is pretty amazing)! That book was one of the best investments I’ve ever made and I strongly suggest it to anyone who is interested dissecting special tests! I also want to thank Mike Gross, Mike McMorris, John Hacke, and Chad Cook for giving me great feedback and challenging me to think about the best way to present this material to 1st year PT students!

  3. eicher

    This video is great and really well put together. I think this is something that should be considered doing for every joint in the future for DPT students. I know when I was reviewing for my mock that it was difficult trying to think back on the special tests (especially for the shoulder) and try to remember how to perform it correctly just from my written notes. This is a really great resource that I am sure will be used by many DPT students, especially during their 1st year!
    Great Job,

  4. jdunigan

    Nicely Done Mike!
    I think many would agree with your original statement regarding the reliability of some of the shoulder tests that we tend to use most often! This is a refreshing comprehensive review of the shoulder tests, and the handout regarding the psychometrics of each test is extremely important for us to maintain an evidence-based practice. Nice Job! Anyway we get bribe you to do this for the hip, knee, and foot/ankle…Just Kidding.

  5. lhack

    Very cool project. The special tests of the shoulder have always overwhelmed me and continue to do so as PT entering my 6th year in the profession. I noticed one of your references is the book by Cook and Hegedus. Fun fact, one of my committee authors is Lexie Wright, PT, PhD who co-authored the shoulder chapter in that book with Cook and Hegedus. In my first year as a PT I actually photocopied that chapter and kept it on my desk for easy reference.

  6. atortori

    This is an awesome resource. I remember 1st year when we went over the shoulder. I thought “how will I ever remember all of these”… Now I can remember most of them but sometimes get lost on postitioning, or if its active or passive. Your ppt, and video are great resources regarding this and the CPRs. I have bookmarked your utube video on my phone and computer for the future! thanks Mike and GREAT JOB.

  7. droneal


    I have to harp on what Jen has said. The video really does make it easier to get the special tests down instead of just reading and looking at one picture out of a text. Also, the psychometric properties you provided really helps us as clinicians to pick and choose the best ones to really hone in on the cause of the clients shoulder impairments. I am with Jen on the fact that this video is bookmarked for future reference! Great Job!


  8. jkschult

    Shoulder pathology and special tests can be such a difficult topic to digest! I am still working on in the clinic each week. This video was very helpful. Many times I read the descriptions of special tests, I just can’t picture how they are performed. This was really helpful to see the special tests grouped together by the impairment they were testing. Also, the powerpoint was great to look at the psychometrics of all the tests. This gives students/clinicians a resource to determine what tests are clinically useful for them and how to do the tests. I’ve already bookmarked your special tests video!
    Thank you Mike!!


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