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Hello all! My capstone is an instructional piece that deals with simple tips to prevent low back pain (LBP) to be used in the waiting room of a primary care clinic in Antigua, Guatemala.  The hope is that those patients who are waiting to see the doctor will watch the video and pick up some hints to prevent back pain. The articles that I looked at during my evidence based practice II class dealt mainly with back schools for back pain prevention in chronic low back pain patients from a non-specific source. The majority of LBP seen in clinics is non-specific which currently has no clear diagnostic, prognostic or treatment protocols.4  While there has been some variation to the way back schools are delivered, the basic back school program consists of the following: information about spinal anatomy and physiology, correct use of the spine and the role of lifestyle and motor habits, exercise programs for pain reduction, and spine function re-education.3, 5 A moderate body of evidence suggest that back schools are effective to reduce pain, improve physical function, and improve return to work status in the short and intermediate term follow-up among patients who have chronic and recurrent LBP.1, 2 ,3, 4, 5, 6

Since conducting a back school was impractical to carry out, and since education makes up a large component of back schools I chose to design this educational video with a simple format to teach those who might have back pain a way to get relief.  The video is based around a program designed to help those treat their own back pain from a non-specific cause.7 The topics that my video covers are the following: Common causes of LBP (postural stress from bad standing posture, poor sitting posture, lying on surfaces that can cause back pain, and lifting incorrectly), Spinal anatomy to provide insight as to the many structures that can contribute to LBP, and ways to correct poor standing, sitting, lying posture as well as correct ways to life objects from the ground to prevent back injury.


Since the video is 100% recorded in Spanish below is a copy of the script in English and Spanish to help you understand exaclty what is covered (In case you would like to improve your Spanish also read along in Spanish!). Additional word documents are included which include: an evaluation form in both Spanish and English, an evidence table summing up some of the literature on back schools, as well as my paper summing up all the literature I have read dealing with back schools for chronic low back patients.  Enjoy the video!

Back Schools evidence paper

Evaluation form (English/Spanish)

Evaluation form (Spanish)

Evidence Table for Back Schools

Final Script (English)

final script (Spanish)


1. Yang E, Park W, Shin H, Lim J. The effect of back school integrated with core strengthening in patients with chronic low-back pain. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. September 2010; 89(9):744-754

2.Cakmak A, Muslumanoglu L, Berker E, et al. The long term outcome of the Back School in patients with chronic mechanical low back pain. Journal of Back & Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation. July 2004; 17(3-4):83-89

3. Morata-Crespo AB, Tris-ara MJ, Marín-Redondo M, Ramos-Carrera N. Ripol-Munoz YE. Seguimiento de pacientes con dolor lumbar crónico tras tratamiento de escuela de espalada. Rehabilitación. 2006; 40(5): 248-255

4. Sahin N, Albayrak I, Durmus B, Ugurlu H.  Effectiveness of Back School for treatment of pain and functional disability in patients with chronic low back pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J Rehabil Med. 2011; 43: 224-229

5. Monroe G, Paolucci T, Alcuri MR et al. Quality of life improved by multidisciplinary back school program in patients with chronic non-specific low back pain: a single blind randomized controlled trial. European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. 2011; 47: 1-9

6. Heymans MW, Van Tulder MW, Esmail R, Bombardier C, Koes BW.  Back Schools for Nonspecific Low Back Pain: A Systemic Review within the Framework of the Cochrane Collaboration Back Review Group. Spine. 2005; 30(19): 2153-2163

7. McKenzie R. Treat your own back. Waikanae, New Zealand. Spinal Publications LTD; 1988







6 Responses to “Low Back Pain Prevention Video/ Prevención del dolor de la espalda”

  1. Michael Essa

    I enjoyed watching this video almost as much as I enjoyed helping you film it. Your attention to detail is apparent and the quality of the video makes this a very strong educational tool for the prevention and treatment of low back pain. Just know that your video is going to be running in the waiting rooms of random Guatemalan clinics for the next 20 years. Nice Job!

  2. Derrick

    Thanks Lisa and Katherine!

    I hope it the video can be put to use in Guatemala and maybe here too.

  3. kculver

    Great job Derrick!!! I loved your video and think it will be very well received by the clinic in Guatemala. I definitely agree with Leigh that you could use this in many other clinics other than in Guatemala, although, that is a great place to start. I can’t wait to see you present it. You put so much work into it and the message is great and appropriate for a wide range of patients.Well done 🙂

  4. Lisa Johnston

    You did an excellent job taking the information about management of acute and chronic low back pain and simplifying it to a simple educational video that would be appropriate for a wide variety of patients in the setting of the clinic in Pastores. Given that this video is going to be available to people with and without diagnosed back conditions, it was important that your work fit this broad group of the population. You did this well.
    I know that the work on the video was very time intensive and your efforts are visible in the final product. I am very impressed with your language skills too! Great job.

  5. Derrick O'Neal

    Yes Leigh, you can definitely use this for any one who you might feel would need the education. I hope everyone can use the video to some degree if needed in the future.

  6. Leigh McLaughlin

    Derrick, I am very impressed by your work on this low back pain educational video! The content of this material is appropriate for audiences of many levels. It provides an introduction to the scientific terms, causal factors, and prevention strategies in an approachable way that patients, clients or community members can easily learn to address or implement in their daily routines. The presentation of topics in your video paired with descriptive steps will be very helpful for patient/client comprehension. I especially liked your attention to detail when you provided lateral views as well as anterior-posterior views during the proper lift techniques clips.

    I think what you have here is extremely valuable and can have far reaching benefits even beyond the Pastores, Guatemala clinic you’ve prepared it for. I suggest you keep a hold of this script and utilize it when working with future patients. You could offer it as a pamphlet of information at community health fairs if you find yourself involved with them in the future. Please let me know if it would be okay to share your video with my own future patients as it would be a great asset to provide patient education to my Spanish speaking population.
    Really great work on your Capstone project, congratulations on a job well done! Best of luck as you present your final product to the Pastores, Guatemala clinic!


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